February 16, 2017 |  Weinstadt

8:30 a.m.- 2:00 p.m.

With the results we've found out at our world cafés at the simpulseday greenCAE in November 2016, we would like to work with you - our members - on the greenCAX strategy. This interactive event is exclusive for our members. Your participation offers you the possibility to take an active part in the definition of a roadmap for outstanding activities, project plans and innovative developments. Our aim is to offer you as a member a maximum possible added value in the years to come. We want to highlight future challenges and trends, build the bridge from research to the development of innovative simulation processes and support SMEs, young talents and senior experts in getting access to a fully digitalized vehicle development process. Besides the overall objective and mission of the asc(s we want to derive subgoals and strategies for our five clusters vehicle drive, vehicle structure, vehicle physics, vehicle information and communication technologies and numerics & digitalization. To make the strategy development process as effective and sustainable as possible, we would appreciate different experts for our cluster topics from our members.


The participation is exclusive and free for asc(s members and includes all event documents, food and drinks.


Gourmet Berner GmbH & Co. KG
Bruckwiesenstr. 1
71384 Weinstadt |  Germany


Ms. Natalia Schuchart

Nobelstraße 15 |  70569 Stuttgart |  Germany

events@asc-s.de |  +49 (0) 711 699659-10 |  www.asc-s.de


Automotive Simulation Center Stuttgart e.V.  |  Nobelstraße 15 |  70569 Stuttgart |  Germany
Pictures: © FOTOLIA (alotofpeople, malp), Gourmet Berner