Simulation methods are pioneers of the mobility of the future. They enable engineers to analyze highly complex interrelationships within the shortest possible time and to efficiently cope with hitherto unsolved problems. Even though this technology may play a pivotal role in the design of future mobility concepts, it is the impending challenges that are of major importance to society. Mobility is one of the central pillars in the inexorable striving of an ever-growing world population for more prosperity. Alternative drive concepts, resource efficiency and lightweight design, vehicle connectivity, data analysis and autonomous driving are trend-setting concepts to avoid a global collapse in the mobility sector. For this purpose, existing technology has to be linked – through technology transfer – to the latest achievements from the academic and business communities.
The peripheral conditions that arise from globalization require more than an adjustment of the final products. On the contrary, they call for a new way of thinking in the development process and the training of future engineers. Due to a consistent method development, innovative simulation methods together with the use of high-performance computing (HPC) allow us to tap into as yet unused potential.
Event content
With the simpulseday greenCAE the asc(s will put the focus on the significant contribution of state-of-the art computer technology on the way to environmentally friendly vehicles for an entire day. We want to highlight future challenges and build the bridge to the development of simulation and HPC methods. This event will be a cornerstone for the development of a greenCAE strategy, and the asc(s, being an internationally established interest group, will implement it in a responsible manner amongst its members in the years to come. The greenCAE strategy serves as a roadmap for outstanding project plans and innovative developments. The event’s target audience are decision-makers in politics and mobility, managers in the automotive industry, development engineers, scientists and all interested parties in the field of virtual vehicle development.
Event location:
Flachter Str. 60 | 71287 Weissach
Event fees:
€ 390.- for members of asc(s
€ 475.- for non-mebers of asc(s
Universities and public research institutes receive a 50% discount on the event fees.
8:00 a.m.
Registration of the event guests - visit to the exhibition
9:00 a.m.
Initial welcome and motivation
9:15 a.m.
Welcoming address by political dignitary
9:25 a.m.
Simulation and Virtual Reality as future links between Customer and OEM
Dr. Ulrich W. Schiefer
Managing Director
AtTrack GmbH
9:55 a.m.
Fast-forward presentation exhibitors: solutions for greenCAE
10:20 a.m.
Coffee break and visit to the exhibition
11:00 a.m.
Session: Lightweight Design
Development of Light Weight Designs Using Simulation Based Optimization
Prof. Dr. Lothar Harzheim
Optimization and Robust Engineering
Adam Opel AG
Deputy Head of Chair Lightweight Technology
World Cafe Autonomous Driving
Session: Alternative Drives
World Cafe Alternative Drives
12:30 p.m.
Lunch break and visit to the exhibition
2:00 p.m.
Session: Autonomous Driving
World Cafe Lightweight Design
Session: Data Analytics / HPC
Machine Learning for Numerical Crash Simulations
Prof. Dr. Jochen Garcke
Head of Department
Fraunhofer SCAI
World Cafe Data Analytics / HPC
3:30 p.m.
Coffee break and visit to the exhibition
4:15 p.m.
Podium & Summary of World Cafes -> greenCAE roadmap
4:45 p.m.
Conquering Virtuality - How simulation changed - and will change - human life.
Matthias Horx
5:40 p.m.
Closing remarks
5:45 p.m.
Get-together in the exhibition (with snacks and drinks)
7:00 p.m.
Dismantling of exhibition
Ms. Natalia Schuchart
Nobelstraße 15 | 70569 Stuttgart | Germany | +49 (0) 711 699659-10 |