Forum for Automotive Lighting Simulation and VR

15 / 16 May 2018  |  Würzburg

accompanying the SafetyWeek 2018

Focus: Lighting the way for self driving vehicles.


The subject of light is becoming more and more important for automobile manufacturers. The lighting technologies in the automotive field have made a rapid progress in recent decades. In the early 1990 halogen bulbs replaced conventional bulbs. Today LED, OLED and laser technologies offer not only very high light output and new lighting concepts for greater safety. They are increasingly being understood as core elements of the design. LightSim is the new forum for experts from the field of automotive light simulation and virtual reality. The networking event picks up the impact of major automotive market trends on virtual development of lighting technologies: autonomous driving, efficiency and electromobility, digitization and connectivity as well as individualization. Therefore the importance of high-resolution lighting technologies is continuously increasing. Vehicles of the future must communicate with the driver and other road users. The event will show latest simulation and VR technologies and discuss future trends and requirements. The organizers want to offer science and industry a better access and possibilities for exchange and future collaborations.


New location!

Vogel Convention Center 
Max-Planck-Straße 7/9
97082 Würzburg

LightSim Fees:

  • € 195.- for members of asc(s, VDC Fellbach and/or Photonics BW
  • € 295.- others
  • € 95.- employees of academic institutions
LightSim Fee includes:
welcome reception on 15 May
lecture sessions on 16 May
safety expo on 16 May
speed networking session
LighSim event documents (during the event)
released LightSim presentations (after the event)
food & drinks
Hotel Recommendation:



Target Audience:

The event is aimed at decision-makers and experts from science and industry in the field of virtual development and testing  of automotive lighting technologies.


SafetyWeek is the platform for the full spectrum of technologies and products for the future automotive safety and its engineering.

The events of the SafetyWeek are visited by more than 1.000 experts every year. The events are groupedby themes to allow the visitors to get the most benefit out of their time spent at the SafetyWeek.

Preliminary Agenda LightSim

15 May 2018

5:00 p.m.   |  Welcome reception

  • barbecue party on the main
  • networking
16 May 2018

9:00 a.m.

Welcome and motivation
Alexander F. Walser | asc(s   -   Prof. Dr. Christoph Runde | VDC Fellbach   -  Dr. Andreas Ehrhardt | Photonics BW

9:15 a.m.

Light-Simulation: Virtual Development Process

Phillip Röckl  |  Opel Automobile GmbH

9:45 a.m.

Perception and Glare – Virtual Assessment of Vehicle Lighting
Dr. Michael Marutzky  |  IAV GmbH

10:15 a.m.

Speed Networking Session

10:55 a.m.

Coffee break and visit to the exhibition

11:25 a.m.

High Resolution AMLCD Headlamps for Intelligent Lighting
Christiane Reinert-Weiss |  Institute for Large Area Microelectronics - University of Stuttgart

11:55 a.m.

Light Simulation in the Virtual Prototyping Cycle
Erik Vasilisin  |  OPTIS Deutschland GmbH

12:25 p.m.

"Enlightening" Insight into High-Performance IT Cloud Solutions for Applications in Automotive Engineering –
A Customer Use Case
Jens Tamm  |  CPU 24/7

12:55 p.m.

Lunch break and visit to the exhibition

2:00 p.m.

Wavelet Compression of Light Field for Real-time Application
Mischa Chursin  |  SALT AND PEPPER Software GmbH & Co. KG  

2:30 p.m.

Walkthrough of a Car's Headlamp Simulation and Communication of Results in a VR Collaboration Environment
Athanasios Papadopoulos  |  BETA CAE Systems

3:00 p.m.


3:30 p.m.

Coffee break and visit to the exhibition

4:00 a.m.

World Café
Chances, Drivers and Barriers for Lighting Simulation and VR

5:00 p.m.

Final remarks and end


Cooperation Partners:

LightSim Administration Office:


Ms. Natalia Schuchart

Curiestraße 2  |  70563 Stuttgart  |  Germany |  +49 (0) 711 699659-10  |


Automotive Simulation Center Stuttgart e.V.  |  Curiestraße 2|  70563 Stuttgart |  Germany
Picture header / background: © Daimler